Delivering "Everything (X)"-as-a-Service to the Cloud                                   



acXaaS Corporation! Leveraging knowledge, expertise and relationships covering security, cloud and virtualization strategies and technologies.


Cloud and virtualization now truly allow organizations to focus on their core business strategies and competencies. acXaaS offers strategic project management, client relations, advisory and professional services. acXaaS looks to deliver and align with products and services from Software-as-a-service - SaaS, Infrastructure-as-a-service - IaaS, Platform-as-a-service – PaaS, to “Everything (X)”-as-a-service – XaaS, helping customers implement and leverage cloud and virtualization to achieve efficiencies, productivity, scale and nimbleness while always conscious of and offering security solutions in order to address internal and external compliance and regulatory requirements.


acXaas Corporation is a privately held company.

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